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Child Well Being and Advocacy Committee

mercredi 9 janvier 2013

Child Well Being and Advocacy Committee (en anglais)
International School Psychology Association/Association Internationale de Psychologie Scolaire


Chair of the committee : Jean-Claude GUILLEMARD (France)

Co chair : : Stuart N. HART (USA).
Goals of the committee :

1. promote the child’s best interest in all themes, projects and actions of ISPA

2. develop, foster the development of and cooperate in , initiatives to fulfil the rights, needs and potentials of children as appropriate to ISPA’s mission.

3. promote a good quality of education for all children in all parts of the world

4. promote a good quality and quantities of special services in education for all children including school psychology services.

Considering the ultimate goal of all our work - and that of ISPA and school psychology- is to promote and protect the rights, well-being, health and development of children, Education for All (EFA) will be a priority for the Committee - giving particular attention to UNESCO’ s 4 pillars of Education : Learning To Know, To Do, To Live Together and To Be.

Main targets of CWBA Committee :

1. International and regional organizations in relationship with the UN or not.

2. NGOs sharing common goals with ISPA

3. National Coalitions for Children’s Rights

4. professionals working in educational systems

5. ISPA affiliates and individual members to request their contribution to the CWBA project.

Framework of action :
In line with the work done by the previous committees making up the CWBA Committee, three sections will be dedicated to specific studies and actions :

 Children’s Rights Section

 Education for All Section,

 Social and Emotional learning Section

Plan of action and strategies of the CWBA Committee :

Past actions

1 Workshop in Malta(July 2009) : During this workshop the CWBA project has been presented by Erika Voigt. During the workshop a three related level theme was developped:Good Practices in School Psychology, What we Know or Should Know about the Effects, Impacts of “Good Practices”, Strategies for Disseminating and Promoting Good Practices and Assuring they Make a Difference.

2. Symposium in Dublin (2010) : Accountabilitéy in SchoolPsychology

3. Presentation in Vellore (India) by Erika Voigt : School psychology and Education For All

4. Presentation in Montreal ! Early Childhood Care and Education, role of school psychologists (JC Guillemard) ; Children’s Rights Education (Bonnie Nastasi).
Cooperation with ISPA committees, tasks forces, interest groups and with national affiliates
.Extending the human resources of the Committee by convincing committed ISPA members to join us.
Projects to make the committee work more visible and more efficient for ISPA mission :
i. publishing documents reviewing programmes and experiences illustrating the Committee’s goals,
ii. using ISPA website more widely,
iii. Presenting CWBA committee’s work in UN agencies (UNESCO, ECOSOC…) meetings and NGOs conferences when possible.

Contacts : Jean-Claude GUILLEMARD :